
Who We Are

"Barak Enterprises" is a management company. A partnership between David A. Brierly and Lorna A. Ross.
David is the author of 'The Saga of Barak' a trilogy in the genre of sword & sorcery/historical fantasy, a good old fashioned fairy tale.
The first in the series being 'The Saga of Barak' the second 'The Land of the Picts' and the third entitled 'The Gathering of Eagles'.
Lorna is David's PA and between them they formed 'Barak Enterprises' to market and promote the books...

IOS Game coming soon, please check back here in a few days.



Book 3 "A Gathering of Eagles Coming soon!

Customers Breakdown of book 1

Barak:- a giant of a man, a slayer, a warrior, an ogre! His birthright means he is a King, but he left his homeland and has lived his life the way he wanted. His huge muscular body heavily tattoed with exotic ferocious beasts, even his shaven head has not escaped the artist’s needles. He wears a neatly trimmed and cared for goatee beard which when he smiles shroud a mouthful of teeth he has had filed to points (rumour denotes for eating human flesh !!) huge leather boots on his feet, leather breeches, leather waistcoat, a rusty chainmail helm upon his head, a thick wolf skin cloak for colder climes .. his Dragon sword, a dagger, a shield when fully armed . Everything about this man cries a warning, danger, approach with caution ….. and yet he loves to cook !! preferably with the finest herbs and spices he has acquired on his many travels. He also likes a shot ( or bottle or two !! ) of vodka and enjoys…

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Saga of Barak Book 1

Barak’s world is a harsh world. Barak is a giant of a man, he is a slayer who metes out harsh justice and does not suffer fools gladly. Although a king in his own right it suits him to be in the employ of Rome carrying out their wishes. Returning to Britain from one of his ventures for Rome he finds that Black Guards from his own country of Krozakistan have poisoned the son of his friend King Aulric and kidnapped his daughter.

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Saga of Barak Book 2

Northern Roman Britain, early second century A. D. Quite plainly in the here and now after many unsettled years it seemed by all account and appearance that certain unwelcome events were now in motion. Here were dramatic events, aye events which might perhaps finally even hail the start of the decline of the once all powerful Roman Empire. Never the less despite this most unwelcome chaos oh aye and all and everything else which was troublesome, yes this with even dark treachery included.

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Marianne Melton
Once again David has written a fantastic book. I was totally gripped especially when characters featured in his first book reappeared into the story. The new characters are just as well written; of them all, I loved the dwarf the most and its ability to match Barak in weed smoking and drinking. I found this book to be even funnier than the first. Some of the jokes I found especially funny perhaps due to knowing real life names and places. The end was superb and certainly not what I had predicted would happen, it seems to be getting ready for the third book which I can imagine is going to be incredible.
Very funny and very clever.

Alexander A Ritchie
This a great read for those who are into sword and fantasy he makes Conan look like a bumbling fool compaired to this giant of a man Barak cant wait for part 2 to see what MR D Brierly has in store for his readers.

Lorna Ross
What a book. A fantastic tale for all Sword and Sorcery lovers. Found it a little hard to get into but well worth the perseverance. It got that I couldn’t put it down. I loved the way the author wrote as if he were sitting beside you telling a tale. I can’t wait for the second book to come out to see what Barak gets up to this time and what quest he will have to fulfill

Jackie Burns
Great story, great value, great hero. Every now and then something unique comes along in the literary world and here we have it again. Join Barak and his companions on their quest save a prince, rescue a princess and recover a kingdom. Then battle with pirates and all manner of men and creatures. Listen to their stories and share their heartaches as the make an epic journey across the world. Enjoy the wonderfully descriptive language, the sausages, the roast chickens and the salmon. In this story you will live it, see it and taste it. A must read.

Marianne Melton
What a great read. I loved the characters and the way the author writes about them ensures you know them well. Barak is so well written that you love him despite the fact he is a heavy drinking, weed smoking killer. The book tells a story of a long journey with a purpose, and on that journey unravels each character. In places it’s sad and in truth, I cried. There’s plenty of humour and also many great tense scenes.
Not an easy read for a child, however, when it gets made into a film and I believe it will, it will be a box office sensation.
I can’t wait to read his next book.

Exceptionally clever. A must read. 10/10

Retro Rita
A tale of the fight for good over evil.
Imagine yourself sitting around a campfire on a warm summer’s night and listening to this tale, told by a man with a Geordie accent. A tale of secrets, loyalty, and a battle for friendship and peace. This book is written in an honest tongue and will transport you to a time and land when men were men and had to fight for their dreams. Loved the way this was written as if the tale was being related by one of the many colourful characters.