
Myth and Magic/ Fantasy/Dragons/Sorcerers/Medieval/Black Death /Vikings /Warlords / Pirates .... my kind of stories ....
"The Saga Of Barak"   by David A Brierly.
After reading the back cover note, I thought I will enjoy this book ... the  Viking ship on the cover drew me in ..

Barak:-  a giant of a man, a slayer, a warrior, an ogre! His birthright means he is a King, but he left his homeland and has lived his life the way he wanted. His huge muscular body heavily tattoed with exotic ferocious beasts, even his shaven head has not escaped the artist's needles. He wears a neatly trimmed and cared for goatee beard which when he smiles shroud a mouthful of teeth he has had filed to points (rumour denotes for eating human flesh !!) huge leather boots on his feet, leather breeches, leather waistcoat, a rusty chainmail helm upon his head, a thick wolf skin  cloak for colder climes .. his Dragon sword, a dagger, a shield when fully armed . Everything about this man cries a warning, danger, approach with caution ..... and yet he loves to cook !! preferably with the finest herbs and spices he has acquired on his many travels. He also likes a shot ( or bottle or two !! ) of vodka and enjoys smoking his pipe packed well with a black weed of dubious origin !! He can be gentle and caring, sensitive and very organised. read this story and you will know what I mean...

Barak and  King Aulric:- the King is distraught, his world has been turned upside down, his daughter Princess Ellena has been taken, his son Prince Kye lies dead ..the King is in utter despair, having shut himself away he drinks to drown his sorrows. Barak ignores the warnings that the King is not receptive of visitors and enters the Kings rooms, he pulls back the curtains and orders the castle servants to clean up the room, he talks with the King, asks what has happened !! Barak is taken to a room where Prince Kye has been laid out on a marble slab, his young body cold and still.  Barak examines the black arrows that were shot at Prince Kye, he takes a mirror from his pocket and proves to the King that Prince Kye still lives; he merely sleeps in a drug-induced state ..poison arrows !!   the Black Guard from a far-off land Krozakistan ( Barak’s homeland ) appear to be responsible. Convinced the Princess still lives Barak accepts the Kings request to go in search of Princess Ellena, Barak agrees to this quest and promises to acquire the antidote for the poison in Prince Kyes body ..

Barak and Black Guard rescue the Troll:-  the Black Guard all killed by Barak and his men, Vikings he has enlisted under the command of Ragnar Thorenson  ( a friend and ally from previous skirmishes ) he keeps one guard alive so he can question him, why have they done this?  (attacked the Prince and taken the Princess ??) the Princess is rescued and cared for by Barak and his men. Tark is the one who survives, although sworn enemies to begin with after some time spent travelling together the young Black Guard comes to know, respect and trust Barak .. pledging his sword to Barak. It’s Tark who helps Barak to rescue a Troll from the Market Square .. the busy Market is interrupted by a spectacle that makes Barak’s blood boil .. a chained up creature, green, scaly and massive in size is being tormented and beaten by soldiers .  with some assistance from Tark and the other men the soldiers are despatched and the Troll set free, however the Troll joins Barak’s band of rough and ready fighting men on their quest.

Vikings:-   His old friend Ragnar Thorenson and a band of unkempt ,bearded loud ferocious men , not afraid to fight or die for their cause  ( knowing Valhalla awaits them ) join Barak on this treacherous journey, through inhospitable lands ; where not only the weather  and landscape is against them but beasts who are after their flesh ..

Wolves and Sabre-toothed Mountain Lions:-  Wolves follow and track the men through this dangerous landscape, awaiting the time to make their kill, not a small pack mind you, they thrive in their numbers  ; perhaps even 100, attacking again and again.. not only the wolves to contend with ( they do make their kill but also suffer loses ) but a pair of enormous Mountain Lions, who stalk their prey and wait till the opportune time..  mmm, they will taste good cooked thinks on ..

Bandits  /Giant Hailstones:-  Battles against wild creatures who are only hunting for food, travelling through these dangerous forests and treacherous lands, Barak and his men also come across Bandits, they have the upper hand and win through, but they grow weary ..giant hailstones that cave in a man’s skull ..

Mongol Army:- The journey has taken a toll on Barak and his men, they ’ve suffered loss and injuries, but they make it to a vast open plain which is not far from the castle in Krozakistan, a thunderous noise fills the air ... Barak’s men fear the worst when a massive force of thousands of men on horseback come into view . The Mongal army on the march, Barak, however, approaches the leaders .. his reputation  proceeds him ; he talks with the Mongal leader and low and behold he and his small band of men are given leave to carry on their way .. although the Mongal leader was tasked with destroying Barak and his men to prevent them reaching the castle..

Barak enters the castle of his birthright:-   things are not good in his homeland, Barak’s  brother Zark was being treated for an illness ( though truthfully he was being drugged to keep him from being capable of ruling the land !!)..  twins Karl and Tarl of sinister and devious nature took it upon themselves to disrupt the Kingdom, hoping and planning to take it for themselves; being assisted by an evil Wizard .. now that Barak had returned they needed to up their game.

Fight to the death:-    After many meetings and discussions it came about that Barak was to enter the arena in a fight to the death, to proclaim the rightful ruler of this land, Barak a fearless man was more than ready and capable of such a fight.  However the evil twins had instructed their Wizard to conjure up an opponent who would not fail in slaying Barak; the wizard had summoned up ‘ Ming ‘ a fearless killing machine from days gone by, a cadaver, a dead man ..evil magic stood in the arena against Barak.. how do you kill a dead man ?

Homeward bound:- things turned out well for Barak , his brother, the Kingdom  ( you need to read the book to find out more and how it all ends )..the antidote for Prince Kye had been sent back to King  Aulric ( Blackie Barak’s huge black eagle had taken it there, Princess Ellena had been returned to her father and was safe .. the journey home, however, was not a good prospect in view of the dangers the band of men had encountered to reach their destination.. Zark (Barak’s brother ) had an answer to this concern.  A flying ship !! This was admired by Ragnar who thought he was used to sailing mighty Viking longships, took on the task of sailing through the sky in a vessel that would carry them home much quicker than a ship on the seas...

Back in Briton:-   All is well, on returning home Barak peacefully hangs up his sword, in his comfortable quiet smallholding, relishing the fact that he can now spend time with his ward Hassan, a young boy he rescued on one of his many adventures. He sits peacefully puffing on his pipe, as he watches Hassan tend to their garden which the boy has cared for whilst Barak was gone. This was a great read, it kept me wondering ‘ what next‘? no doubt this isn’t retirement for Barak, I hope not !!

Our thanks to Sue Hawkins for this great breakdown of aspects of the Saga of Barak Book 1.