Page 13 - SagaOfBarak1
P. 13

next hurried himself downstairs to attend to the giant’s urgent needs. So with
            some ale inside them, both Barak and Hubert sat there outside by the bench while
            they talked together at some length. The early morning drinkers were brought
            yet another jug of cool ale from the deep, well stocked cellar of the Seven Stars.
            And  this  one  was  to  follow  the  other  three  which  had  already  been  hastily
            consumed. Also, as well as the cool frothy drink there was a large platter of goat’s
            cheese,  this  with  slices  of  thick  cold  meat  the  fat  red  faced  landlord  kindly
            provided, aye and all of this was free of charge.
               Hubert was a tired tearful man now with a few drinks inside of him, oh aye
            the old guardian of the gate was full of sorrow worry and woe. Barak scowled,
            grimaced then lit up his long clay pipe with the expertise of a man who was well
            used to striking flints. Barak sat puffing away on his strong black mountain weed;
            he said nothing for now, no the ogre said not a single word. As now the giant
            chose instead to let the distraught Hubert pull himself together. And this Barak
            did instead of pressing him and badgering for any immediate forced information
            as to the cause of his obvious distress.
               This castle, this impressive stone castle had been built quite recently by the
            Romans themselves, it had been a present, a gift no less, as a token of thanks to
            King Aulric. It had been Aulric who had helped the northern legions of Rome in
            the long years past with border wars, aye Aulric had assisted them wage war
            against the savage Pictish raiders. King Aulric, who years ago when he Barak
            and Hubert had been much younger men, had tamed and fought nonstop against
            the savage warlike Picts who dwelled north of the great wall. Then, as well as
            defeating the savage but primitive Picts, Aulric with big Barak as his warlord
            had also united the scattered feuding northern clans together. Even the warring
            unruly tribes and the outlaw bands had all sworn an allegiance to both Aulric and
            the old hated enemy that was Rome itself. Aulric was just a young chieftain then,
            tall strong and proud he had always been and still was a highly principled most
            moral man. But back then in those far off days Aulric was both a brave and
            fearless warrior, as well of course as also a good leader of men. Times though
            they are ever changing, it had now been many years since Aulric had been forced
            to take up his sword. Well, this other than to knock apples down from a tree for
            the children of the village.
               But that though was perhaps another story.
               Anyway at long last after several jugs of the landlord’s good if not very strong
            beer Hubert had at last spilled out his tale of woe to the patient pipe smoking
            giant. Aye and when he finally did so, well what a sorry tale it did indeed turn
            out to be once delivered. Barak sat there both silently and patiently while puffing
            away upon his long clay pipe, the slayer was still at this time not saying a single
            word. No, the ogre instead listened most intently as Hubert told him of these
            recent sad, very strange very sinister events.

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