Page 17 - SagaOfBarak1
P. 17

you, I have no intentions of buying a horse from that rogue..’ Hubert chuckled
            as he wiped beer froth from his beard before answering the giant’s question.

               ‘Tom, once away from here bought the Greyhound Inn, which lies in the
            village of Condercum. And this inn, well, it sits nestled by the great wall. From
            this place the Greyhound is only a day’s ride to the east from here on a good
            horse, or two days ride on a bad one.’ Barak on hearing this grunted then the ogre
            gave a nod of approval at Tom’s choice of a new inn.
               ‘Good tavern, I know it well. Aye and Condercum, it is also a small but
            growing  garrison  with  many  thirsty  soldiers,  very  astute  of  Tom,’  the  giant
            muttered to himself. ‘But anyway besides all of that, drinking with Tom for now
            it must wait..’ Barak of a sudden affixed Hubert with a friendly look. ‘Now you
            hear this, and hear this now what I say to you, but most of all believe it Hubert..’
            Suddenly the giant’s face now changed and this in but an instant, and now it
            contorted into an angry grimace. And this just as suddenly as it had earlier broken
            into  a  broad  smile  which  had  then  cracked  into  laughter.  ‘Upon  my  good
            dragon-sword, I do swear here and now I will hunt these dogs down. Also, I do
            swear these fools will all die screaming for their mothers or whatever other sickly
            thing it was bore them into this savage world. ’ Barak promised this in all earnest
            as he next put a huge reassuring hand upon Hubert’s drooped shoulder.

               All of a sudden a cold shiver ran up the Briton’s stooped broad back. Hubert
            had never for one moment thought he would or could have possibly felt any pity
            for these men Barak would hunt down. But somehow now he did, for they were
            all in his considered opinion no more than walking dead men. They each and
            every single one of them were all men who were merely living on borrowed time.
            And this was time these brigands had before meeting with what would doubtless
            be a very violent, very sudden demise. Because simply for this very reason, not
            even the wildest stormiest of seas, or a desert, however vast and barren. Nor a
            mountain range, however high and snow-capped or the darkest deepest of forests.
            All of these natural elements would neither slow nor deter Barak upon his blood
            hunt. Nor for that matter even any dark demon or imagined demi-god could stand
            against the wrath and power of the great war Lord. Oh no, oh no, these foolish
            callous men who had brought so much sorrow and woe to the castle, whoever
            they were, these men would all die screaming. And of that simple brutal fact
            Hubert, well the guardian of the gate was in no doubt whatsoever. As sure as
            night is dark and day is light and the old world turns each day as it does, these
            fools would all meet their well deserved end by Barak’s massive broken hand.
               Barak after a little while longer bade a much happier Hubert a good morning
            then the slayer strode off purposely towards the King’s Hall making just a slight
            detour on his way. There was so much to discuss so early in the morning and
            Barak despite being a little travel weary was keen to be getting on with it.

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