Page 20 - SagaOfBarak1
P. 20

with whisky from the North West added to the brew. True, this was still nowhere
        near as good as the powerful clear steppes vodka the giant favoured above all
        and everything else. But still after all and everything, this mead was easily better
        than anything else about the ogre supposed to himself. Barak drank down greedily
        another goblet of the freshly brought mead, then the ogre licked his lips with an
        element of satisfaction. Next the slayer gnawed most readily upon a whole leg
        of lamb, ripping the flesh away easily with his sharp filed down teeth. Now the
        giant after devouring this tasty piece of flesh poured for himself another drink.
        After a loud burp of satisfaction the ogre lit up his long clay pipe concealed under
        his thick leather hide waistcoat. With this done, then in blissful satisfaction the
        ogre let out a long weary sigh as he blew near perfect smoke hoops into the still
        chill morning air.
           Oh, through all of this whilst the giant drank and smoked, he watched Aulric
        as the king slept and snored loudly. Doubtless though, this was a troubled drunken
        sleep, a sleep that was filled with nightmares and demons as well as all manner
        of other horrors. Barak watched Aulric all this time as he sat upon a shaky three
        legged stool. Barak was warming his outstretched legs in front of the blazing fire
        as he sat only a yard away from the King. The giant muttering away to himself,
        next kicked off his big thick hide boots and extended his large thick woollen
        stockinged feet toward the fire. Barak had already decided he would finish off
        his pot of strong relaxing black weed before waking his troubled slumbering
           Now the great slayer ran his dark, almost black eyes over his old friend Aulric.
        Indeed he looked a very aged most worn out thing, aye the good king appeared
        jaded and tired out in the very extreme. Hubert, well at least the loyal trusty
        guardsman was sadly most correct in his description of the heartbroken king.
        Aulric was not at all like the strong able man the giant had left behind some
        months ago at the very start of the summer.
           Barak had been off abroad of late these past months, far away across the sea
        fighting for the glory and the pride of the Legions of Rome. And the mission,
        well it was what he himself had called no more than a fool’s errand, this was an
        undertaking to retrieve a lost Roman standard. Aye a worthless Roman standard
        that had been taken forcefully by the savage barbarian horsemen far to the east
        of Rome’s now much troubled borders. To be perfectly honest the whole sorry
        venture had turned out to be a lot of trouble and a lot of blood loss for what was
        no more than a wooden stick with a painted eagle sat atop of it.
           However,  this  sad  fact  aside  the  giant  had  nevertheless  retrieved  Rome’s
        glorious unyielding emblem of power. This though had proved to be both a tricky
        and  dangerous  task  eventually  achieved  after  more  than  some  element  of
        difficulty. Anyway the ogre, who by the by never failed in anything violent, had
        brought this gold painted stick back to Britain. And this along with the Standard
        of the Legion he had taken with him to retrieve the first lost Eagle. The first
        standard was lost by some idiot high bred nobleman who was in charge of damned

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