Page 22 - SagaOfBarak1
P. 22

to place the loser’s head high upon a pole in the middle of their last battlefield.
        This gruesome trophy was to be placed there for all to see, well, all but the
        multitude  of  dead  men  strewn  about  here  there  and  everywhere  all  about.
        However this grizzly macabre act was not a gesture of insult in any way. No, oh
        no far from it, no it was more of a promise, a pledge each warrior had made to
        one another before the fight had even ensued. Both Barak and the savage one
        eyed high smelling chieftain had sworn whoever the victor was he would then
        simply lop off the loser’s head. Barak had perhaps pledged this with a sigh a
        yawn and a handshake. While knowing full well whose greasy ginger skull would
        be the closer to the heavens on that cold starry night. Anyway with this deed once
        done the head would be placed upon the high pole to stare down upon the vast
        crowd with unseeing eyes, well one unseeing blue eye. The fierce code of the so
        called barbarian tribes in many ways carried a lot more honour to it than that of
        the back-stabbing Roman high born nobility. Because at day’s end after all said
        and done, the giant’s hairy unwashed, very itchy enemies, which of course were
        still many in number, could have stood well back from the fearsome giant and
        shot Barak there and then full of arrows. And this until the ogre dropped down
        onto his knees and simply bled to death. For it must be said there were still many
        thousands of the savage horde about that stood silently watching their former
        leader meet his swift but noble end upon his final day on earth. Perhaps there
        were still over ten thousand hairy itchy men or even more wild looking open
        mouthed things who witnessed the brief but savage duel between Barak and their
        ferocious but mismatched one eyed clan chieftain. However, for their own reasons
        the horsemen did not do this. No their arrows stopped in their quivers and the
        warriors to their credit upheld their savage code of conduct. Thankfully for Barak
        the savage unwashed horsemen kept to their word, to a man they bowed to the
        giant’s power and his skill with a sword and of course to his courage. Later after
        the  fight,  after  the  blood  and  dust  was  finally  settled,  these  now  leaderless
        horsemen simply let the slayer ride off with both of the Roman Standards.
           And so it was a victorious Barak who rode away from the battlefield. However
        though, this was not until the following morning. Because as ever with the giant,
        and having manners about him, Barak had thought it would not be polite to leave
        without having at least one night in toasting the savage chieftain who he had so
        quickly and recently slain.

           So there under the tall pole that carried the one eyed chieftain’s hairy grinning
        head, aye under the cold starry steppes sky, Barak had sat his broad back against
        that pole whilst he drank much vodka and feasted upon thick steaks of horse
        flesh. Oh and all of this with the unwashed itchy horde for company and until
        sunrise of the next day. And what a drink that was by the by, the giant had found
        the barbarian chieftain was also quite good company, well, good company for a
        dead man that is. As for Barak, well he being ever polite the giant had toasted
        the chieftain most sincerely, the ogre did this many times before the coming of
        that following cold red skied dawn. And then when the giant finally arose upon

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