Page 27 - SagaOfBarak1
P. 27

yet still be safe.’ And this the Briton blurted out both sadly aye and also more
            than a little bitterly. ‘Damn Rome, damn Rome with its pompous arrogance to
            hell and back,’ the heart-broken king cursed out loudly. Aulric had meant no
            offence toward his friend Barak but nevertheless these words cut most deeply
            into the giant’s very large heart, even more into his very soul itself if the truth
            was to be known.
               Aye, what made matters worse as it so happened, as has already been said,
            this disastrous quest, well it was no more than a foolhardy disastrous folly. A lot
            of good men had died on those cold windy plains to retrieve what was after all
            only a symbol of dying Roman power. But still despite all and everything even
            in the face of Aulric’s harsh bitter but honest words Barak still showed no outward
            sign of either remorse guilt or even anger. Perhaps because after all was said and
            done, and for better or worse, what had happened had happened. Aye what was
            done was done. And therefore, well it could of course not be undone. But then
            again though, on the other hand however, well this could and it would always be
            avenged. So now with this black retribution firmly in Barak’s mind, now it was
            a time to listen. Yes it was a time to listen now, time to learn of these past goings
            on. And then, and only then, and when he had gathered enough valid information
            would the ogre act. Barak of course being Barak, well then no doubt he would
            of course act quickly, aye also very possibly and more than likely the ogre would
            act most violently.
               After some little time in passing whilst listening very carefully to Aulrics
            every word the great tattooed giant relit his long much loved weed filled pipe.
            Now the ogre appeared to be more relaxed, in fact the slayer appeared quite at
            ease with himself. Barak listened most intently most carefully to every single
            word Aulric said to him, the ogre as always and ever overlooked nothing. Often
            the slayer would ask the king to repeat himself over and over again. This way
            the giant was making quite sure Aulric was accurate in his every single detail of
            this recent tragedy. But in the meanwhile the heat from the blazing fire warmed
            Barak’s huge body, while the monks’ mead from the flagon warmed his belly
            and the black mountain weed from his long pipe warmed his very being. For well
            over an hour Aulric went over and over again repeating in parrot fashion the grim
            events which had brought a once proud king to become a sad shambling mess of
            a man.
               Aulric ran a rough scarred gnarled hand through his long greying somewhat
            unkempt lank and greasy hair.
               ‘Seven arrows, seven arrows that were black shafted and with black flight
            feathers you say?’ Barak asked a little whimsically.

               ‘Aye’, Aulric replied simply in answer to Barak’s question, a question the
            giant had asked him several times before already. ‘How many more ways can I
            answer you the same question Barak?’ Aulric asked this a little sharply. Barak

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