Page 32 - SagaOfBarak1
P. 32

‘Look you here at these arrows Aulric, the tips are not finished with off steel
        heads,  no  these  are  blunt  and  wooden  things.  Then  look  you  at  the  wounds
        inflicted upon the boy’s body, the legs the arms aye and even one in the backside.
        So, this attack, however foul and cowardly, however pre-planned and wrongful
        was not done with any murderous intentions. Aye and of that Aulric I am most
        sure and certain,’ Barak added positively. Aulric was at once struck numb and
        dumb with both shock and sheer disbelief. All of this information was just far
        too much for him to take in at once. Perhaps because of this reason, quite simply
        the information Barak had gave him, well it was yet again both correct and
        accurate. Aye on reflection all and everything big Barak had just said to him
        made total sense.
           At length after some while deliberating this new situation the much confused
        king spoke up.

           ‘But my own physicians, they said the young prince my son was dead Barak,
        aye they to a man looked to him and all and every single one of them had him
        slain. ’
           Barak grumbled away to himself angrily at these words, the ogre as it so
        happened was a man who had long been most unimpressed by Aulrics so called
           ‘Umph, your physicians Aulric, why, those imposters are not fit to doctor a
        worthless hill sheep,’ the giant declared angrily. ‘Truth said these fools of yours
        are little more than witchdoctor's who cast the bones of chickens and scream at
        the stars in childish and vacant wonderment. Aye indeed your so called doctors
        are no more than uneducated morons each, all and every single one of them.’
        Barak said this with some conviction, and with a certain degree of rising anger.
        After all had he not returned earlier than planned the young prince would of been
        placed upon a high pyre and then burnt to ash, aye and all of this while he was
        still alive. However, Barak had the feeling Aulric perhaps needed a little more
        solid proof that his son lived. Being so, then proof the king would have.
           ‘Now look you here Aulric..’ Barak next produced from one of the front
        pockets of his thick knee breeches a small burnished copper mirror. Next this
        mirror the ogre held close over the lips of the young Prince. Aulric stood back a
        pace or two as the king was in all truth not quite sure what he was even looking
        for, or even looking at for that matter.
           ‘Here, look you my friend, do you see it?’ the giant pressed offering the copper
        disc to Aulric. ‘That my friend is the boy’s life’s breath, indeed, it is his very
        being, look Aulric do you see it now? ’ the ogre asked urgently. ‘The young
        prince still breathes, the boy he lives, can you see it now Aulric?’ Barak repeated
        this question a little urgently as he held out the polished copper disc toward
        Aulric. Now the king with his bloodshot eyes popping from his throbbing troubled
        head at once clasped the mirror in gleeful disbelief. For a moment or two Aulric

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