Page 30 - SagaOfBarak1
P. 30

Know you this now, without my children I am nothing, nothing my friend Barak.
        No I am nothing at all, I am not a king, I am not a man and I am not even a father.
        Though father I would choose any day over being a king or anything else for that
        matter’ said the heartbroken Aulric. For a moment the king paused as he gathered
        his composure then spoke once again. ‘But know you this Barak, I will build for
        my only son Kye a great funeral pyre. A pyre higher than even the great wall of
        Hadrian itself to send his ashes off to the gods of my fathers’ Aulric said this
        while placing a hand gently upon his son’s forehead. ‘But as for my beloved
        daughter, well who knows where my child Ellena is, or what has become of her?
        Is she alive do you think big Barak? Indeed does she still live and breathe the
        cold crisp air? Do you think my child, she still walks the earth? Aye and anyway
        my old friend, why oh why did this accursed outrage happen to me and my
        children in the first place? Can you tell me that Barak? If not I am lost, as no man
        I know has ventured further or knows more about the way of things than you do,
        so tell me then, why has this foul crime transpired?.’ Aulric asked this question
        with his voice shaking with emotion. ‘I am at war with no one Barak. I have no
        enemies left to fight with, remember, you killed them all for me. Well for me
        and also for the glory of Imperial Rome of course - do you remember my friend?’
        the King asked solemnly before continuing. ‘This thing, it is an outrage I tell
        you,’ Aulric declared his rising anger now taking over from his grief.
           Barak sighed most deeply then the ogre grunted and growled a low rumbling
        growl, it was a growl like that of a wounded bear, then the ogre spoke. ‘No more
        of an outrage than it would be to suffer the good noble and handsome Prince to
        the flames Aulric’ Barak said this in a slow matter of fact fashion. Aulric stared
        up at his towering friend in both horror and sheer disbelief at these unbelievable
        words. As slowly there across the giants scarred tattooed face there next crept
        just the very faintest hint of a crooked smile.

           Now the king felt, well rather he fumbled for his sword for the second time
        since Barak’s return. Aulrics brain at this time was still addled with both drink
        and grief but the King neither understood nor liked what Barak had just said to
           Was he being mocked now the king thought dimly to himself? Aye and was
        he being mocked by the very man he trusted more than any in the whole cruel
        world. As ever the ogre well he apparently could read Aulrics very thoughts.
           ‘Be still, be calm with yourself my old friend, and leave your blunt sword
        where it rests. And then listen well to me, listen carefully to what I say to you
        Aulric.’ Barak demanded this as the ogre once again repeated that which he had
        just said to the dumfounded king.

           ‘Your boy is not a dead thing, oh no, oh no he still lives Aulric.’ Barak went
        on with his voice sounding firm and also most convincing. ‘The good prince like
        I have said is not dead at all, do you understand me Aulric? Your boy, well he
        for now merely sleeps the very deepest of slumbers.’

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