Page 28 - SagaOfBarak1
P. 28

sucked upon his pipe with some gusto as the slayer simply ignored Aulric’s
        irritable anger completely.

           ‘Where is the young Prince Kye now Aulric? Tell me my friend where does
        the boy lie? For I would like to see him, I would like to look upon the prince
        once more.’ Barak said this while rising a little stiffly to his huge booted feet and
        then warming his backside by the blazing fire. The long night’s ride, this and
        also the lack of a decent night’s sleep was making his huge tired body feel a little
        chill. Now the king sighed sadly and most wearily at Barak’s request. Aulric in
        his own way was perhaps even fearful to look upon his son’s lifeless corpse whilst
        in the company of Barak, this less he once again unman himself and weep. In
        truth the king seemed just for now lost in his much troubled thoughts for a
        moment or two. But then after but a second or two in thought the sad king shook
        his weary head as he rubbed his pounding skull. Next, and with what seemed
        was a great effort Aulric began to stir himself as he rose somewhat unsteadily to
        his feet.

           With this task done Aulric next pointed towards a heavy red crimson velvet
        curtain that hung just to the left of the fireplace from where the two men had
        been  seated.  Barak  who  had  already  been  up  on  his  big  booted  feet  moved
        instantly to the side of his friend to offer assistance if needed. After all the slayer
        did not want to see the shaky Aulric fall headlong onto the stone floor and hurt
        himself. However the king though as it happened managed with great resolve to
        steady himself and he waved Barak away.
           ‘Draw back that curtain Barak, a concealed chamber lies there behind it.’
        Aulric indicated with his bony forefinger toward a heavy red velvet curtain. This
        curtain hung under the tapestry of an elaborate boar hunt hanging from the stone
        wall just left of the fireplace. Barak with but a few huge strides stood by the
        curtain, once there the ogre drew back the drape. Just as Aulric had said a solid
        studded oak door lay hidden behind the heavy velvet curtain. Barak at once turned
        the  key  already  in  the  lock  and  followed  by  Aulric  who  had  pulled  himself
        together a little entered into the room. As ever the king seemed to draw strength
        from Barak’s very presence. Although still obviously shaken and grief stricken
        Aulric appeared now at least to be in some sort of control over his troubled
           This room was like no other room in the castle, aye it was a cold place, a place
        just like a Roman death chamber of rest. As the floor, the walls and even the
        ceiling, these were cut from the finest quality of Roman pastel coloured marble.
        And  this  was  also  by  the  look  of  it  carved  out  by  the  very  best  of  Roman
        craftsman. Barak at once glanced all about him, as ever and always taking in all
        and everything. Now there before him upon a large marble table lay the lifeless
        body of the young Prince. The long limbed youth was naked save for a leather
        loin cloth. Also the young prince had been washed cleansed then scented with
        the crushed pollen of wild forest flowers. Prince Kyes arms were placed across

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