Page 33 - SagaOfBarak1
P. 33

stood silently examining the misty covering from his son’s slight but still steady

               ‘But how is this at all possible - how and most of all why?’ the king exclaimed
            in a dreamlike shock when the gift of speech eventually returned to him. ‘I swear
            upon my blunt sword, I do not understand it, no I do not understand any of this
            at all Barak.’ Aulric said this as his head was still spinning with the very confusion
            of these strange recent sad events.
               Barak gave out a grunt and a low growl as he sighed deeply then next the ogre
            shrugged his massive shoulders. Cursing under his breath Barak looked to his
            long time friend who was alas still broken and much confused as to the way of
            things. After but a moment in passing the giant glanced down at the young Prince
            laid upon the cold marble slab. Oh yes, this indeed was a most messy affair; it
            was also an affair that would take some time in explaining, aye also even more
            time in its solving.
               ‘Come Aulric my old friend, for I do think it is time now that you will need
            a drink.’ Barak said this while affording Aulric a somewhat dubious smile. ‘But
            you hear this aye and you hear this now Aulric,’ Barak said in a most serious
            tone of voice. ‘Your young prince, he must lie here in this place; Kye must lie
            upon that very slab until my return here from my quest. Oh aye, and of course
            also my bloody vengeance,’ the giant rumbled out in a most menacing fashion.
            ‘Here is the best and the safest place for him, it is cool here, free from decay as
            well as dirt,’ the ogre further explained. ‘Also the coming winter chill will not
            harm the lad as he feels nothing, the prince must stay as he lays, now do you
            understand me? ’
               Barak  asked  this  question  while  putting  a  huge  hand  upon  his  friend’s
            trembling shoulder, Aulric made no reply at this time as quite simply he could
            not find his tongue to speak. With this being so then of course the great ogre said
            on. ‘Yes Aulric, here in this cold chamber is good for your boy, do you truly
            understand me?’ Barak asked this question most firmly. Aulric only nodded in
            agreement to this, even though the king did not really know in all truth what he
            was agreeing to. Or for that matter did the much baffled king even know to where
            and to what and to why Barak was apparently going to be venturing off. After
            some time passed the two men did leave the young handsome Prince lying there
            upon the cold marble slab. And this task the men managed even though Aulric
            was most reluctant to do so. Once out of that cold but clean room Aulric locked
            the stout door behind them. Next the befuddled king tested it with a push then
            once satisfied all was secure the men reseated themselves by the hearth in front
            of the blazing fire. Aulric shakily took a goblet of drink in both hands offered to
            him by Barak and took a big swallow. Then with this done the king waited
            patiently for his friend to continue with his explanation of these recent sinister
            events. First though before all of this Barak had decided he would take another
            long drink of the monks’ mead, this, and also refill his pipe with yet more strong

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