Page 31 - SagaOfBarak1
P. 31

For just a brief moment in time Aulric wondered to himself if it was not he
            but Barak who had finally gone stone mad. Had the giant at last gone insane?
            Aye perhaps it was the great slayer who had finally taken leave of his senses?
            True it was he himself had almost drowned himself in drink with his grief and
            his  sorrow  over  these  last  few  days.  Aye,  but  surely  though  to  this  bitter
            indulgence he was most entitled given the present grim circumstances. But still
            for what he had drank in his Great Hall was out of his sadness and madness, this
            as well as his sheer heartbreak. Why these few goblets of ale he had drank down
            these past days would scarce cause the giant to be even unsteady upon his great
            flat booted feet. Barak, why the great slayer drank that and perhaps even three
            times that amount just as an everyday social event, aye this just to quench his
            great never ending thirst. Oh and this not to mention all of the strong brain
            destroying black weed the slayer puffed relentlessly upon almost every single
            moment of every day. No, no surely it was Barak who had finally gone totally
            insane, aye Barak it was who had gone stone mad. After a moment or two of
            slow pondering and careful deliberation Aulric at length spoke up even if it was
            a little shakily.
               ‘But my own physicians have examined my son Kye, saying he was no more
            alive than the table he lies upon,’ Aulric explained somewhat gloomily. ‘So please
            believe me my big friend the young prince is now nothing more than but a dead
            thing lying there before you. Aye, alas he is now nothing but a corpse Barak, no
            more than that.’ Aulric said these words very sadly. ‘Please believe me big Barak
            my friend I would only wish it was otherwise,’ Aulric protested sadly.
               But big Barak, well he would have none of it. Instead the ogre shook his big
            bucket sized head in a most dismissive fashion.
               ‘No,’ the giant then answered both simply and bluntly. ‘No, no you are wrong,
            Kye is not a dead thing Aulric, nor will he die, well at least not for another fifty
            years or so. Well that is of course providing the boy does not fall off his horse
            and he leaves the heavy drink and the black weed alone.’ Barak said this with a
            sort of lop sided smile, then once again the ogre went on to explain things as they
            were to his very baffled friend. ‘Now hear me out, and you must listen to every
            word I have to say to you without any sort of interruption, do you understand
            me? Aulric gave a slight nod, the king at this particular time had not the strength
            or the will to argue with Barak. ‘It has been four full days now since the full
            moon  Aulric,  not  two  or  three  as  you  had  thought  it  to  be.  Aulric  feeling
            somewhat dizzy and groggy of course let the giant say on without any sort of
            argument. ‘So, tell me my friend, and answer me this, why then has the young
            Prince not the death stiffness about him?’ Barak asked bluntly.
               Aulric was much taken aback by the giants well put question, also on top of
            that Barak was of course most correct in what he had just asked. As the young
            prince by now, well, he should be laying there upon the marble slab just as stiff
            as a broad sword. Yet, here the lad was now laid before them still soft to the
            touch, why the Prince was even a little warm.

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