Page 11 - SagaOfBarak1
P. 11

ease. In fact the Germanic tongue, as well as Norse and of course the language
            of the Britons was perhaps his most favourite language of all. Still the giant
            listened to them chattering away for but a moment or two longer then he spoke
            up answering the question the Germans had so carelessly put to one another. And
            the giant when he spoke back to them both easily and fluently, well this gave the
            men of the Rhineland somewhat of a shock. As this of course, after all was
            something neither of the men were quite expecting. Barak, when he spoke, the
            ogre even mimicked and mastered their Thuringen dialect off to perfection. Now
            the warriors from the Rhineland, both of them at once glanced at each other most
            sheepishly. At once the Germans instantly both bowed, apologising for their
            unwise and perhaps ill-chosen comments.
               However, the giant merely grinned as he had taken no offence on hearing their
            words. In fact Barak was quite used to such slightings and offhand derogatory
            comments. After all is said and done the ogre had a lifetime to get used to them.
            Strange though it is how sometimes even the slightest of slurs can be taken as
            more as an offhand compliment than an insult.
               Barak handed the reins of his big horse as well as the mules lead ropes to the
            humbled looking Germans. This done the giant most politely bade them to care
            for and feed and water his honest and weary animals. All three beasts, Barak
            instructed, were to have double corn as well as the very best of hay. And this as
            it  so  happened  was  a  task  the  German  guards  were  both  most  keen  upon
            undertaking. After all it is not every day you get to assist such a slayer as Barak,
            this  even  if  the  task  is  a  little  bit  on  the  menial  side.  Now  the  giant  in  the
            meanwhile, he walked casually off with the still very downcast sullen Hubert
            across the newly cobbled stone courtyard toward the inn of the Seven Stars.
               ‘What did you say to them my Lord Barak?’ Hubert asked while looking back
            over his shoulder toward the Germans. Who, by the by were already drinking
            their own brew of frothy beer from their gourds as they made their way to the
            stables. ‘For I do think my Lord, whatever it was you said caused them to take
            a fright. ’ Hubert said this with just the slightest trace of a smile crossing his
            craggy bushy face.
               The  old  guardsman  liked  the  Germans  well  enough  as  they  were  good
            company on the gate and even more so in the tavern. Sometimes though the men
            of the Rhineland did just have that little bit too much to say for themselves, but
            this was more so in drink. Barak gave a thin smile then he answered his old friend.
               ‘The Germans spoke to each other saying I was some sort of a cannibal,
            Hubert. Apparently the Rhiners had heard that I was an eater of men’s flesh, can
            you  believe  that  my  old  friend?’  Barak  said  this  with  a  most  sinister  and
            dangerous grin about him. ‘Oh I don’t know Hubert, you see some people just
            don’t realize how sensitive a man I truly am,’ the giant added with a weary sigh.
            Barak then yawned, this followed by a cough as he next spat onto the cobbles.
            Then, the ogre cleared his throat before once again continuing to speak to Hubert.

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