Page 6 - SagaOfBarak1
P. 6

And this beast was a huge Gaelic war horse. A great hairy legged powerful
        looking thing with a long flowing flaxen mane and a silken tail that trailed all
        the way down to the very ground. This creature was at least, so it seemed by its
        striking appearance, a most well cared for animal. It was both a well groomed
        and a well fed thing with bold dapples upon its broad backside that testified to
        its good condition. Also as well as all of this, the great hairy legged thing was
        fresh shod all around with the very thickest of iron shoes. And this same big
        chestnut gelding with the long flaxen mane and the equally long tail carried upon
        its big broad back, sitting there most casually and regally, a very giant of a man.
        In a most relaxed fashion this huge man was sat perched upon the big chestnut
        horse. It must be said that both horse and rider looked most impressive. And the
        warrior, for warrior the big man obviously was, sat enclosed in a very expensive
        high-backed high- fronted Arab saddle. And here was a comfortable saddle that
        supported  the  warrior’s  huge  frame  most  snugly.  Obviously  this  intricate
        expensive piece of wonderfully handcrafted leatherwork had been designed to
        fit both horse and rider.
           Two tall grey long eared mules, gaunt but strong animals, followed on behind
        the horse and rider, submissively in tow. These were both weary-worn looking
        creatures, and also heavily laden. One of the mules carried the big man’s weapons
        of war, his well-worn chain link armour and a small round spiked metal shield.
        Also there was a long lance and perhaps some half dozen throwing spears. This
        honest uncomplaining beast also carried an impressive looking longbow made
        of black wood inset with fine ivory writing of some sort. All of these weapons
        the docile creature carried as well as a Turkish crossbow. Oh, and some other
        items of the big man’s other personal affects. Meanwhile the other mule was
        laden down with cooking implements such as large cast iron potbellied stoves,
        as well as an array of copper pots and pans. Strange items these seemed indeed
        for such a mighty man of war. Also as well as cooking pots and pans, there were
        sacks of seeds and plants, none that hailed from this cold green island. Aye, there
        was all of this, as well as strange exotic fruits and vegetables. Oh, and these
        edibles also hailed from warm distant places that lay far far away to the east of
        this island. Slowly and wearily the tired animals laboured on down then upward
        along a well-worn path to an impressive looking castle. And know you this, it
        was a stone castle mind you, not one of those hastily thrown together timber and
        mud affairs. Nor was this castle topped off with either turf or straw thatched roofs
        to keep out the sting of driving northern rain and the cold winter snow. Oh no
        this tall mighty castle made of stone, had sitting upon its shoulders a blue slate
        roof which was obviously cut, then fitted by the very best of craftsman. This
        place where the stout castle stood was called Coriosopium. Here, was both a
        settlement as well as a small garrison; this place was one of many of such situated
        in measured distances along the great northern wall.
           Now the big chestnut gelding was reined up close alongside the thick solid
        oak gates of the castle. Meanwhile the big man sitting upon the big horse knocked

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