Page 3 - SagaOfBarak1
P. 3


                                        Part One
                               The Saga Of Barak

               Barak is at once the ultimate hero, or perhaps anti-hero; he is a giant of a man
            who stands nearer seven feet than six feet tall.
               The Ogre has of course immense strength and awesome physical power, and
            is an expert in all forms and manner of weaponry.
               For  over  three  decades  now  Barak  has  stood  out  supreme  over  his
            contemporaries and the great slayer has seen most of them come and go, off to
            meet with their various very hard of hearing gods.

               The giant is a ferocious looking man, a man who is completely tattooed from
            the top of his big shaven head right down his huge body all the way to his great
            booted feet.
               The great slayers well-kept teeth are filed sharp and dagger-like into little
            more  than  wolf-like  fangs.  This  somewhat  painful  operation  the  ogre  had
            undergone some years earlier to join a tribe he once lived with in the darkest and
            most dangerous part of the African jungle. However, the end in this particular
            case, well, it more than justified the giant’s means.
               Still though, it must also be said Barak’s eating habits were at best described
            as most dubious, and perhaps even a little more than sinister.
               But then again as the old saying goes, ‘to each his own.’
               And now at fifty years of age Barak’s vast physical and mental powers had
            neither wavered nor in any way had they waned. And as well as this, besides
            preserving all of that awesome natural power, the giant was still just as stubborn
            and uncompromising as he always and ever had been.
               Now after commanding a campaign for the eagles of Rome the ogre had at
            last finally returned with his mission, as always and ever, accomplished; returned
            back to his adopted home.
               For the giant Barak, home now lay nestled under the southern side of the great
            wall of the long dead Emperor Hadrian.

               From both of these cold grey shores, from the westerly and turbulent Irish
            Sea to the cold great grey North sea on the eastern side of the island. This,
            impressive towering wall stretched out, winding its way in a snake-like fashion
            across the bleak rugged landscape of cold wild northern Britain. Hadrian’s great

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