Page 4 - SagaOfBarak1
P. 4

wall, just as planned when constructed years ago to separate the more civilized
        Romanized  Britain  from  Pictdom.  Gratefully  the  wall  kept  apart  the  savage
        ruthless  barbarism  that  lay  in  the  dense  forests  and  the  ever  snow-capped
        mountains beyond from its most northerly province.

           This mighty construction with its many turreted garrisons and its ever growing
        settlements was commonly known as the ‘Wall in the Sky.’ And as said it was
        also the Emperors farthest flung and bleakest northern outpost in Rome’s still
        vast but dwindling Empire.

           But bleak and far flung or not, it was here in this place upon this small green
        island the giant had planned upon spending the rest of his remaining days.
           Aye it was here the ogre would bide in a bliss, full retirement hunting down
        the swift deer and the lurking wolf in the dark woods. It was here he would course
        the fleet hare in the lush meadow, and it was here the great slayer would fish for
        trout in the great Salmon River. This was a river that started its life off springing
        up as no more than a trickle in the land of the Picts. But then after flowing for
        many a winding mile, the now mighty river ended its fresh water days surging
        boldly into the cold grey North Sea.
           Here with the great wall on one side of his home and the river on the other,
        here was where Barak would bide.
           Well  anyway,  this  was  at  least  the  giant’s  well  thought  out  plan  for  his
        retirement and his future. But then again, plans of course as everyone knows did
        not, nor indeed still do not always work out as they are quite intended.

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