Page 7 - SagaOfBarak1
P. 7

upon the stout door with the great boars head iron ring inset there. The stern faced
            man waited only for but a moment before banging once again, this time though
            the warrior knocked a little louder and a little harder.
               ‘Will you open up these gates now for me you foolish rustics?’ the large
            warrior demanded gruffly. ‘Or must I tear the very things down myself to gain
            entry here?’ The rider roared this out somewhat impatiently. ‘For I must say to
            you all now, I do have upon me the most ravenous of hungers. Aye, and also an
            even more powerful throat-burning thirst. Oh yes, and also fools, as well as these
            immediate needs. Well, I would most urgently bathe myself in the very hottest
            of soapy sudsy scented waters. Not though that I would expect many, if any, of
            you earth worshiping ditch dogs to understand that pressing need of course.’ The
            huge man rumbled these words out with just the slightest hint of a sarcastic
            chuckle.  From  behind  the  great  gates  the  big  man’s  keen  ears  could  hear
            movement and men talking nervously in hushed whispered voices. And the large
            warrior by the by, was now becoming more than a little irritable.

               Of a sudden an armed guard shouted down a little timidly an order from the
            battlement above to the guarded gateway below. And then, almost at once the
            thick heavy oak doors began to creak themselves slowly open.
               Rumbling and grumbling the big man spat, then the warrior growled and
            grunted with discontent. Aye and all of this while he cursed out loudly at being
            kept  waiting  for  so  long  a  period  of  time.  A  moment  later  when  once  this
            complaining was done the warrior urged his big mount on with a nudge to its
            ribs and it trotted forward into the castles stone cobbled forecourt. As ever the
            big grey mules followed on behind the large mounted warrior, obediently in tow.
            Once inside the stout gates the big man yawned as he looked all about him.
            Seemingly the warrior was taking in all and everything at a single glance of his
            dark eyes. When this observation was done with the huge man looked down from
            his saddle a little reproachfully at those who stood there before him. Now this
            huge horseman looked down at the five castle guardsmen standing there a little
            uneasy and more than a little cowed before him. The very big horseman atop the
            big chestnut gelding knew only one man of their number. And that man was
            Hubert. Hubert was a long time soldier and servant of the castle, and was the
            eldest of the small group of most dejected looking men. Hubert, well it must be
            said  this  particular  castle  guardian  indeed  looked  a  most  sorry  forlorn  and
            downcast figure. Aye indeed, he appeared to be a worn out weary looking shell
            of a man, a man who was perhaps starved of many a good night’s sleep. As well
            as the weary looking Hubert there were also two young Britons with a most vacant
            expression about them. It was an expression these young men wore whilst they
            were stood standing there quaking in their worn out boots. These badly bred
            looking things, well the pair of them were little more than spotty gangly nervous
            fidgety looking youths. Youths, who, by their stale and earthy stench were also
            infrequent bathers, and strangers to soapy water. Meanwhile the other two brave
            and noble guardians of the castle gates, who were a little older than the rank

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