Page 30 - SagaOfBarak2
P. 30

In this brief but bloody fray,not a man from Germania was lost or where they
            even wounded or injured in the brutal well planned dawn raid.
             Barak  of  course  after  this  slaughter,  had  on  purpose  kept  the  whimpering
            cringing sheik alive until the very last, within that expensive tent to meet up with
             Hell aye, as it must be said this Arab slave traders eventual demise was neither
            quick nor was it in anyway a pleasant or a merciful sort of affair.
             No, oh no and this not by any means.
             Even now many years after the fat sheik’s grizzly fate, his last moments spent
            upon this earth are still perhaps best kept as an unspoken well kept secret.
             In fact his slow gory end had made even the big battle hardened Germans go
            sweaty and pale, aye perhaps even a little faint if truth were known.
             By the by, this was the second such slave peddler Barak had dispatched in such
            a cruel unhurried fashion, the other one though, the ogre had sliced and chopped
            up was many years earlier.
             Strangely, or perhaps not, well his grizzly well deserved end was more or less
            for committing the same wicked sort of crime.
             Anyway a little later on, and with the screaming sheik eventually seen off, bound
            hopefully to hell, the terrified cowering slaves not knowing their fate were at
            once liberated.
             Hell aye and each and every one of them all made free souls.
             Furthermore, for their unpaid efforts in the long past toiling for the cruel sheik,
            next by Barak’s hand each and all of them were given more than an ample amount
            of gold and silver coins from their former master’s well stocked coffers.
             This as well as diamonds and pearls, rubies and sapphires did Barak in a most
            joyous fashion bestow upon each and every one of them.
             If wise with these riches, then not a man woman or child of these former slaves
            would ever have to work again.
             Of course all of this new found wealth must be transported to just wherever
            these now bemused but very grateful free citizens would venture off to.
             With this being so, camels, mules and horses were also provided for these
            suddenly wealthy people, most importantly though, fortune aside, these slaves
            were given their long dreamed about and most unexpected freedom.
             Later with these deeds finally completed, with all of the bad men killed and the
            good people liberated Barak returned to the small village.
             On his arrival the slayer still a little blood spattered, first thanked then paid the
            old crone most handsomely for her tender caring of the child in his few hours of
            bloody absence.

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