Page 33 - SagaOfBarak2
P. 33

With this being so, the ever wise far seeing Aulric, well perhaps with a little
        guidance from the even wiser and even farther seeing Barak, decided it prudent
        to merge with other native kingdoms.
         This as the once all conquering Romans, so it at least appeared would not be
        here on this little island for that much longer, offering at least a degree of military
        routine and safety.
         Barak, he being well travelled, also well informed, just last year had heard all
        about this up and coming chieftain Hengist.
         More importantly, also fine flattering words relating to his comely unmarried
        daughter, all of this news came from the Irish horse traders when these rogues
        had made their spring visit to trade at Barak’s lodge.
         Without  delay,  at  once  Barak  using  various  means  of  communication  had
        arranged a meet with this Hengist at the eastern port at the end of Hadrian’s Wall.
         Here was an unmentioned covert venture as Barak chose to make this journey
        alone to meet with Hengist.
         True it was that Aulric was a good honest man, aye and also a close friend of
        long standing, sadly though despite this friendship the good King was at times
        something of a ditherer.
         Barak though of course and on the other hand was not.
         Hengist the father of Kye’s betrothed was a big strong rawboned sort of fellow.
         As an added bonus Hengist was also recklessly brave, also bold and daring in
        a primitive rustic sort of way, still though when need called for it Hengist by both
        reputation and deed was apparently a most warlike and dangerous chieftain.
         More importantly as an extra bonus Hengist carried behind him a large following
        of many good fighting men to call upon if violence should ever fall at Aulric’s
         Even better as a further boon to beat all the others, well the noble chieftain was
        quite a dim witted sort of fellow, aye here was a man with not a lot at all going
        on inside of his itchy, hairy head.
         Thus with this being so, well Barak after this meeting with Hengist enlightened
        Aulric as to his sons best option for his future
         Barak quickly pointed out to Aulric that Kyes possible father-in-law to be, was
        not in any way or fashion whatsoever a shrewd or a scholarly sort of man.
         Oh no, indeed far from it.
         Aye as in all fact with the harsh truth said, well Hengist, Barak explained was
        very slow witted, aye even a stupid sort of man.
         Indeed it would be very truthful to say that Hengist was not much brighter than
        the local oaf or village idiot.
         Barak though, well the slayer saw this lack of wit as not any sort of fault.

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