Page 5 - SagaOfBarak2
P. 5

Oh and also of course backed to the very hilt by the big Norsemen’s own band
        of large bullish sea going killers.
         All of these rough, big brave souls whilst perhaps not knowing it at the time
        would share in many heroic deeds.
         Yes, many more daring adventures before some of their number would finally
        ride the rainbow to Valhalla.
         All along the winding way which lay ahead of them, until reaching their final
        destination there were still many perils to face and overcome.
         Together Barak with these wild carefree rovers fought the freezing raging seas,
        this and also the very cruellest and wildest of the fierce northern winds and flesh
        cutting gales.
         Dangerous, untamed sudden storms which on some occasion hurled huge rock
        hard hail upon the warriors, hell aye and here was stinging hurtful frozen hail the
        size of a big man’s fist.
         Yes as upon that most epic trek these hard bitten men faced most if not all of
        nature’s hostile elements, aye and this to the very extreme.
         Little matter though as all of these elemental hardships the men endured boldly
        and unflinchingly.
         Oh aye all of this as well as fighting back to back against a pack of large savage
        ravenous forest wolves.
         Here in this black forest, a forest due to its size and vastness could not be skirted,
        with this being so then it must be travelled directly straight through its very heart.
         It was here within this forest where abounded these savage hungry beasts of the
        wild, cunning fast powerful things intent upon dining on soft tasty human flesh.
         Oh and know you this, these wolf packs numbered not in their dozens or even
        in their scores as is the norm for their kind, no, oh no, it was in their hundreds
        these wolves hunted.
         In this great dark wilderness of towering trees roamed a cunning canine army,
        a fleet four legged army devoid of fear.
         Aye, oh hell aye, as these were ruthless hunter killers, things which were wily,
        strong, fast of thinking and even faster upon their paws.
         Though even with such attributes, these dangerous and dubious qualities were
        nevertheless not quite good enough to be victorious.
         True it was that the big burly Norsemen lost a few of their number to the
        wolfpack in the vicious fray, still, nevertheless there were many others of these
        hardy warriors who prevailed.
         With this being so, then further on along the way after defeating and driving
        back the huge wolf pack, well then regrettably for Barak and those who followed
        him there were other four legged killers to contend with.

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