Page 9 - SagaOfBarak2
P. 9

Of course this was due to these ears being either chewed upon in past drunken
        brawls when the slayer was a younger man or slashed from many other previous
        none too friendly encounters.
         However though, oh and no matter as to these previous imperfections corrected
        by the blade of the cadaver.
         When once victory was finally accomplished, and this seemingly impossible
        somewhat macabre task of fighting with the sword masters corpse was finally
         Well then after a brief examination of the rotten cadaver, Barak took for himself
        a long smoke this was followed by a well earned drink of vodka.
         Victorious and wildly adulated by thousands of his countrymen, this whilst the
        would be usurpers of his country were slain, Barak had yet another important
        task to fulfil.
         Next the slayer sent off an antidote, this phial secured to the yellow leg of his
        great black eagle, back to the very far off island of the Britons.
         Happily and just as Barak fully expected, this antidote, when once delivered to
        its distant destination straightway revived the patient.
         Thus at once making well and strong Aulric’s one and only son, the young
        Prince Kye.
         It was sadly alas the blameless young Prince, who whilst his sister was abducted,
        he himself had been shot full of deadly poison from seven long shafted arrows.
         Indeed, it was this sinister uncalled for event which sparked off the epic mission
        to put all things to rights.
         Know you this, the huge Barak was not only a brave and great warrior, he was
        also a fearsome warlord held in awe by his peers in the known world as the
        commander supreme.
         The reason being for this adulation was quite simply this, for as well as being
        a shrewd and clever military commander, Barak was also a most wily wise all
        knowing sort of man, this concerning all things of any importance.
         Thus being so, then the giant did at once recognize these long shafted black
        arrows which had inflicted the terrible mischief upon his friend’s fine young son.
         With all this knowledge and of course also with bloody revenge in mind, it was
        then  the  hunt  for  these  archers  who  doubtless  were  also  in  league  with  the
        kidnappers of Kye’s sister Ellena, was very rapidly put into motion.
         All of the circumstances concerning this attack were dark and strange, as these
        black shafted arrows, also the black clad archers who obviously released them,
        hailed from Barak’s own far off kingdom.
         Straightaway  without  any  delay  or  stall  this  most  vexing  outrage  was  now
        becoming to Barak something more of a personal nature.

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