Page 13 - SagaOfBarak2
P. 13

Down upon the Salmon River there was always plenty of good trout to be had
        for supper, yes this whether in either winter or summertime.
         So when feeling like a short ride through his beloved dark woods, this river
        angling was perhaps more preferable than depleting his own stock.
         Also as an even betterment to the trout, well in the late autumn, also in the spring
        the very best of migrating spawning salmon were there to be caught.
         Hell  aye  and  these  good  sized  tasty  pisceans  were  captured  in  damn  good
        number at that.
         Oh and all of this with relative ease to a well practised poacher such as Barak,
        by either the trusty gaff or by longnet in that very same river.
         None of these many fish caught were of course ever wasted, those not eaten
        straightway were either dried and salted for another day or taken directly into the
        town market; to be traded away for whatever took the slayers fancy.
         As an extra bonus the heads and innards of these salmon were all fed to the pigs,
        quite naturally these swine greedily gorged with relish upon these welcome bits
        and pieces of flesh.
         All in all, it would be true to say that the frightening looking giant along with
        the young boy had both greatly enjoyed their lives of late, aye and all of this to
        the very full.
         In fact there were times, Barak thought often to himself that his former life of
        war, bloodshed and savage butchery was no more than but a bad dream compared
        as to how he now lived.
         At the present time as well as trading in running dogs the young boy and himself
        also dealt in fast well bred horses, expensive animals sold mostly to the few
        wealthy Romans who still lingered on under the shadow of the wall.
         As well as these fleet sighthounds and speedy horses, this unlikely duo also sold
        for good coin only the very best of hunting hawks and the swiftest of falcons.
         Furthermore  this  prosperous  partnership  also  owned  in  the  several  corrals
        situated here and there about their large lodge, a dozen or so fat shaggy long
        haired, long horned cattle.
         Here indeed were prehistoric looking things, these primitive beasts were brought
        down from high up on the snowy western isles.
         Captured and transported by men who as a norm looked just as wild rugged and
        as unkempt as did these great snorting things.
         It must be said the big Barak was particularly fond of these beasts.
         Being so, the ogre valued them more than any other cattle which roamed not
        only upon this island or be it any other of the many lands he had visited in his
        past and vast wanderings.

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