Page 16 - SagaOfBarak2
P. 16

well constructed lean-to’s which lay propped here and there against both his
            lodge or the big stout barn.
             Also as an extra bonus there was of course all around and about the slayer a
            vast sea of tall trees to cut down if he ever needed to do so.
             Thus no matter whatever the long winter ahead had in plan, the giant’s big lodge
            would nevertheless be a cosy warm and a well fed place, this until the welcoming
            warming sun of springtime at last came around.
             Barak’s larder was always in good supply as here hung meat which came in the
            shape of both domestic stock or flesh provided by the wild beasts of the northern
            forest or from the Salmon River itself.
             In fact if they were lucky things, those fattening swine Barak held penned up,
            well these noisy chubby beasts might even live a lot longer than expected, so
            stocked with meat was the slayers pantry.
             As for the wild shaggy cattle, well Barak even though he loved the taste of their
            meat as already said, he would not slay them while they were sound and healthy
             Being a bit of a collector of rare and strange animals as well as these stone aged
            cattle and iron aged pigs, well, inside the giants stalls and pens there were also
            a number of tall odd looking asian goats, things which hailed from the arid sandy
            deserts of afar.
             Oh indeed, here were very strange odd looking animals, yes fantastical beasts
            with long camel like necks, great drooping ears and huge yellow staring eyes.
             Barak as it so happened was particularly partial to goat meat, in fact it would
            be fair to say that this was by far his most favourite flesh to dine upon.
             In addition to the four legged stock, there were also running here and there all
            about the well kept place a score or more fat red chickens.
             Pleasingly for Barak these were big fleshy feathered things, yes indeed birds
            which tasted quite excellent.
             Aye, this whether these fowl were roasted fried or boiled, yes oh yes they made
            very nice eating.
             Though quite annoyingly at times, here were semi-wild clucking things and
            also creatures which roosted just wherever they wanted to.
             Still noisy or not, whilst the birds flesh was both tasty and tender, as an extra
            bonus their eggs were both good sized and of course also very good for eating,
            well this if they could be found before hatching out that was.
             In this menagerie on top of all and everything else there was a gaggle of big
            bad tempered white geese, also semi-wild things which also roamed freely, whilst
            on their non stop foraging.

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