Page 21 - SagaOfBarak2
P. 21

This as again and again, then over again, the Roman Legions in the past had
        fell floundering before the slave army either being routed out or else dying upon
        their enemies swords.
         Perhaps even worse and against all Roman pride these Legions of the Imperial
        Eagle being put to a pathetic scrambling flight.
         Forts,  garrisons,  villages  and  towns,  yes  now  even  great  cities  were  being
        ravaged burned plundered and laid siege to.
         Both the senate, even the very Emperor himself were apparently at some odds
        as just what to do about this whole messy very costly affair.
         Many times of late, slick tongued envoys, high ranking diplomats and even
        nobles  of  the  highest  calibre  had  been  dispatched  from  the  much  troubled
        Emperor Septimius Severus, to try and talk some sort of truce with their ever
        growing enemy.
         Of course here were a collection of smooth talkers, deceivers, accomplished
        liars and tricksters all sent to reason with the generals of the slave army.
         Doubtless  of  course  these  fools  who  lead  these  peasants  were  uneducated
        brainless things, no more than brutish oafs who could easily be cajoled then easily
        tricked away from their pathway.
         Aye, oh aye these so called leaders of men were after all only low bred things,
        desperate fools, who could and would be bribed with a full pardon and a few
        false promises.
         Yes, yes indeed the promise of a heavy purse of gold or an expensive villa set
        out in a nice place in the country would surely sway their madness, or would it?
         Sadly though, well for Rome this was not at all going to be the case, no as
        bribery would not be Rome’s salvation in this instance.
         This as to their undying credit the slave army stubbornly rejected the Roman
        financial enticements and bravely stood its ground, and fought on, fought on and
        won as it so happened.
         So obviously under these most dire of circumstances then another strategy must
        be sought to put down this reckless rebellion.
         Anyway, against such stoic resilient opposition with some slim hope in their
        sad sinking hearts, the senate backed, even encouraged by the Emperor himself
        sought a desperate deliverance from their plight.
         This as now more than ever the senate and above all else Rome itself required
        the help of the great slayer.
         Indeed, yes Rome most desperately needed the return of the great commander
        Barak to put all that was so badly wrong to some sort of rights.
         With luck, hopefully where the Roman Generals had failed, aye and failed
        miserably at that, well the senate down to a man were more than confident the

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