Page 22 - SagaOfBarak2
P. 22
ogre could and would succeed in his campaign, well this of course should he
decide to take it on.
As yes surely the big ferocious Barak, with his many victories, taking into
consideration over the long years he had served Rome, could better the so far
feeble efforts of any of these high born inept commanders.
Yes with the slayers vast experience of mayhem and wholesale slaughter, then
he, he the great slayer would at once put down this insane rebellion once and for
Then with this being the case, with a mixture of both hope and doubt in their
troubled minds and souls, these desperate consuls and ambassadors boldly sailed
the grey foaming northern seas, borne aboard their huge clumsy castle like
All of this danger, these anxious desperate diplomats risked to plead with the
ogre for him to become once again the protector and saviour of Rome.
After arriving at Briton, out of sheer fear and coming this far, these noble men
of Rome next chanced travelling the dark dangerous forest pathways to seek out
It was to here the very flower of Roman elite came, hoping, even begging the
giant would once again raise their bloodied eagle standard aloft, crushing these
bold rebels into the sand once and for all.
Upon some occasions when meeting with the slayer, these once proud and
haughty nobles even dropped in a most humble subservient fashion down on to
one knee.
All of this whilst begging with tear filled eyes for Barak to return and command
the lost and demoralised Legions of Rome.
This as now these so called cream of Roman aristocracy, were all in such a
troubled panic filled state, they had badly deluded themselves for thinking Barak
could be seduced back into service by mere gold.
Naturally because of their smug arrogance, the highest ranking members of the
senate were most confident that the fearsome ogre would return to their employ
with the offer of a generous open purse.
Oh aye, surely big Barak would return to make red his sword, well this of course
if the price was right.
But then again as already said the purse was an open one anyway, aye, as here
was a purse without any limitation.
So with all of this being the case, well then the ogre could surely not refuse the
temptation of such wealth and the glory and adulation which would surely follow?
As here now was a bloody rebellion not only taking place on Roman soil, no
this assault was perhaps only days away from Rome itself.