Page 17 - SagaOfBarak2
P. 17

Aye and there were more feathered things still, this as a dozen or so oriental
        ducks lived freely all about the stout lodge, doing just whatever they wanted and
         These were brightly coloured birds which dwelt in a variety of corrals, out
        buildings and unused kennels, this or otherwise under a big lean-to full of loose
        hay which lay next to the well stocked log store.
         Here, there and everywhere, these somewhat gaudy ducks would waddle most
        comically about, well this when not floating about in a most carefree untroubled
        fashion upon Barak’s pond.
         For his own unexplained reasons, Barak was particularly fond of these fancy
        coloured plumed ducks, though truth said, here were things perhaps kept more
        for amusement and decoration than any practical purpose.
         This as Barak at least up till now anyway, well the slayer had so far refrained
        from dining upon any of these pleasing to look at quite comical exotic birds.
         Oh and this even though a slow well roasted duck with a little plum sauce was
        his most favourite of birdflesh.
         Anyway besides all of that, these colourful though somewhat messy creatures
        were perhaps more young Hassan’s pets than they were the slayers.
         So, despite all and everything else going on in the rest of the troubled world,
        this whether good or bad business, at Barak’s lodge was always quite steady, this
        if not more than a little brisk at certain times of the year.
         With all of this being so, then all in all it would be true to say, Barak with the
        young boy for company did both prosper, yes and all of this whilst enjoying
        themselves to the very full these past two years in the dark forest of the far north.
         Yes retirement as it turned out was all the giant ever hoped that it would be,
        indeed perhaps even better.
         In all truth this lay off from blood and butchery surpassed even the great slayers
        wildest of expectations.
         In the meanwhile though, well it would also be true to say that Barak’s old
        paymaster Rome itself was very hard pressed now, indeed the once great Empire
        was struggling in a most desperate fashion so it was.
         Sadly, perhaps in a slightly cynical way the vast and the past power of Rome
        had now over many of these past months became severely tested.
         Indeed, and apparently from what information the slayer had gathered on his
        random trips to the garrison of Vindollanda, well Rome so it would appear was
        falling apart at its very imperial seams.
         Aye as now, it now came to light that the once mighty and invincible army of
        Rome was fighting not to prosper and conquer other lands, as had been the norm
        for an age unaccountable, no, as now its armies fought merely to survive and
        hold safe the capital city itself.

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