Page 15 - SagaOfBarak2
P. 15

Somewhat strangely, despite their poor diet of dining upon rough mountain
        grass and fenland moss, oh and also washed up seaweed, nevertheless these beasts
        remained massive.
         Oh and more importantly they nevertheless produced the very finest and tastiest
        of a deep red coloured meat.
         Also as well as having the very best of beef cattle, both ogre and boy owned
        between themselves two good high yielding coloured milking cows.
         By good fortune these healthy beasts were bought cheap from a very drunken
        farmer on a busy market day.
         Here was a man who had foolishly lost too much money playing dice and tossing
        coins at the last spring sale.
         Better  still  also  owned  in  joint  partnership  between  this  unlikely  pair  were
        several very fat pork pigs.
         These as good luck would happen were also bought from a drunken fellow on
        the very same market day.
         Tough hardy swine these beasts were, aye rough coated creatures,not totally or
        fully domesticated farmyard things as yet.
         Here where semi-iron age hogs, perhaps half wild boar, half domesticated pig,
        things which were happily fattening up very nicely, this in a large sheltered pen
        set a bit of a distance away from the lodge; this of course for obvious reasons.
         Soon enough though these swine would be slain, then butchered, all of this
        before being heavily salted, then next hung up from strong beams in a stout
        lean-to in readiness for later consumption.
         Oh yes indeed as forward planning was ever and always a great thing Barak
        had always thought.
         Obviously in the way of things a good food and log supply was all important
        out in the wild.
         This as time progressed doubtless the snow would become thicker and the long
        winter northern nights turn ever colder and ever longer.
         As this by the by was a winter that as it went on held all the promise of being
        a very harsh, also a very long one at that.
         Not of course that any winter, a winter in any place on earth, this whether long
        severe or otherwise was something Barak was in any way troubled about, oh no
        far from it.
         The ogre loved each and every one of the four seasons as they came around
        doing its turn and playing a part in the natural way of things.
         Being so, Barak as always and just as ever,was well prepared for the elements,
        aye and of course anything else which for whatever reason opposed him.
         Wisely big Barak held secured at the most sheltered side of his lodge, a good
        supply of dry kindling, this as well as cut and dried logs under one of his several

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