Page 18 - SagaOfBarak2
P. 18

Sadly for Septimius Severus at this particular moment in time, in almost every
            far flung corner of Rome’s struggling empire there was much upset, unrest and
             For now as it happened there had became a savage rebellion, all of this uproar,
            plunder and slaying took place in and around many of the local Roman provinces.
            Oh yes, as much plundering,violence and random destruction was going on.
             It was said by those who had enlightened Barak, that this violent onset involved
            large bands of vengeful rebels, mayhap though this was not a totally accurate
            description of things as they truly stood.
             Unfortunately  for  Rome  these  brigands  were  not  only  simply  bands  of
            wandering rebellious men, no, oh no, far from it, as this was not just an army of
            slaves and other unfortunate souls.
             Obviously mere half starved slaves alone, this however great in their number,
            could never stand any chance against the well trained heavily armed men of the
            Imperial Legions of Rome.
             No of course not, but here now though, standing strongly and stubbornly as
            Rome’s enemies were men of a totally different ilk
             Yes as these defiant, troublesome yet most capable men were much different
            to the average run of the mill hopeful rebel.
             All of this because there were many in this vast number of avengers made up
            of hate filled gladiators.
             In these ranks were dangerous vengeful men, as these were gladiators who
            hailed from the arenas of Rome and from also the many surrounding provinces
             Being so, well here quite obviously and not at all to Rome’s advantage, were
            very bitter also very able men.
             Hard men, men well up for any war or battle, this no matter however bloody or
            violent any resistance the Emperor and his generals could throw at them.
             Trained men, strong men, these were men of the sword and the triton, brave
            men who it would appear by their recent actions had suffered quite enough of
            entertaining the howling Roman masses with their own life blood.
             Barak did not know the full story, but somehow or other these warriors of the
            arena had freed themselves of their shackles and were now so it seemed more
            than ready for some real honest warfare.
             This as blood and battle after all was their calling.
             So given their brutal trade of course, these badly done by, hard bitten men were
            all expertly trained in the art of swordplay.
             Oh and of course, well each and every one of them always expected an inevitable
            violent death anyway.

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