Page 12 - SagaOfBarak2
P. 12

Barak  in  the  meanwhile  though  was  just  as  ever  quite  unconcerned,  even
            disinterested in such scribbling, nor was the slayer impressed in any way with
            the trappings of either fame or glory.
             As that last adventure, that last trek the slayer undertook was out of friendship,
            oh and also of course to put things to rights back in his distant homeland.
             With all of these tasks completed and happy with the result, well, with this being
            so, the slayer of late had whiled his time away lounging about in idyllic lazy like
            retirement in the land of the Britons.
             Since his return from that quest, Barak had spent most if not all his carefree
            moments hunting in the dark northern forest, here was a vast forest which lay on
            the southern side of the Emperor Hadrian’s great wall.
             It was there where the giant would hunt regularly on horseback with both lance
            and his boarhounds for the very ferocious, very dangerous but also very tasty
            wild boar.
             Well for this prey or perhaps for the stealthier but far less dangerous noble red
            deer, which also abounded there in good quantity in the northern wilderness.
             Further  south  only  a  few  hours  ride,  there  were  man  made  clearings,  rich
            farmland and lush sprawling meadows, good land for coursing the speedy hare
            with a pair of swift dogs.
             Here indeed were lean fast things, perhaps a dozen of their kind lay ready and
            waiting kennelled at Cedric’s homestead.
             Just as everything else these speedy sight hounds were also for sale, though this
            of course only for the right price.
             Northern Britain was an ancient place, aye sometimes an eerie sinister piece of
            wilderness, this with its dense dark forests overflowing with oak, ash and elm.
             For better or worse, Britain was still a land lost in many dark misty bygone
            myths and legends from the past, some of these fables were vaguely believable
            whilst some though perhaps not.
             Sinister, mysterious or otherwise, big Barak was nevertheless a most happy
            contented man whilst dwelling within the vast northern forest where he had made
            his home.
             Happily with this being so, then when not enjoying himself hunting in forest or
            meadow, the ogre was more than likely to be found fishing in his own well
            stocked, good sized pond; for either the many trout or the one huge remaining
            pike which ever eluded him and so far cleverly slipped his hook.
             If not there the ogre frequented another favourite place of his searching for the
            tasty trout, this down by the banks of the great Salmon River itself.
             It was here at the Salmon River where Barak would often go to idle his unhurried
            hours away, along with his adopted son the young Hassan.

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