Page 10 - SagaOfBarak2
P. 10

Being so, rapidly the perilous voyage and epic adventure began in all earnest,
            aye all of this within only a week of the dark liberty.
             Barak, when need be would and could always move things on at a very fast
            pace, so of course a hasty revenge as well as securing the Princess’s safety was
            much required to ease both mind as well as spirit.
             Anyway much later when all of this duelling and killing was finally completed,
            when all was done and dusted after the many wrongs were at long length righted.
             Aye when once all of the bad men were at last slain and accounted for then
            finally reckoned with.
             Well as if all that great formidable task was not already enough in its almost
            impossible accomplishment.
             Next with all of this done to his credit, Barak the great slayer became something
            of a diplomat, yes this by restoring peace and harmony to a most unsettled most
            divided kingdom.
             This was a great powerful kingdom, a kingdom which was by the by the giant’s
            very own realm, here was his very own domain.
             It was here in this very place that the great slayer Barak was rightful monarch,
            from the day of his birth he was born to rule out there in that far off vast distant
             Here was a great undefeated kingdom, a kingdom to which Barak was born to
            rule as lord and master of all which lay behind the great iron gates, with its
            towering stone walls forever protecting his undefeated people.
             A great kingdom, a powerful kingdom left to him by both his birthright of being
            the first born son, also by the royal blood flowing through his great body.
             By the by this was not a land taken over by conquest of sword or deceit, nor
            neither by skulking theft or means of dark treachery.
             No, as here was a land discovered by Barak’s forefathers, discovered long, long
            ago, here was a vast mysterious land founded by an even more mysterious people.
             Birthright though, well this was a worthless sour word to the giant’s now very
            pointed ears, indeed here was a shallow meaningless word, a word Barak had
            very little respect for.
             As ever it was and always had been in the giant’s long considered opinion that
            a man should make his own way, with a little honesty, though also perhaps a
            little brutality, through the cruel dangerous walk of life.
             Hell aye and all of this tireless effort and struggle without trumped up titles
            being bestowed upon them along the way.
             After all why in this harsh all too short a life should only some folk receive false
            privileges and lavish benefits, whilst some, nay the vast many may not?

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